Sunday, April 30, 2006

Well, I've still not been paid. I also have cold, barefeet because I've had to eat my shoes. It's become so grim and desperate now, I'm onto expired desserts.

Unless I expire from food poisoning, I'll speak to you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Spent practically the entire day, switching the computers around at home. There's always that fear when you mess with stuff that it won't work again. Happily, everything does work fine.

Not been paid yet!! The house is low on food, can't afford to buy any more so I may be forced into eating my own shoes for sustinence, if the money isn't forthcoming.
Watch this space.

Friday, April 28, 2006

My legs ache from dance class last night. Also, after months of cold, 13C today feels 40C. Make it go away. Just give me sunny but brisk, and I'll be happy.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I blog, therefore I am. Apparently.

The first jewel of wisdom that I shall impart is DON'T work in customer services of some kind. It's the pits.

I wasted God knows how much of my life this morning trying to placate some w*****r, who seemed very adept at making black, white and wrong into right.

Hey, people in customer services are human too!!